Sunday, July 8, 2012

Introducing Piper

A leap of faith and complete trust in God led us to this beautiful face.  Here is our beautiful Piper.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

Ephesians 4:1 "Live a life that is worthy of the calling you have received."


  1. Oh my!!!!!! How precious and beautiful!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Love her cheeks!!!

  2. adorable! what a blessing! CONGRATS!!!

  3. LOVE HER already! Can't wait for she and her bestie Emmalin to get together! We're goin' for our girls Jen! God is SO GOOD! Love to you ALL! :)

  4. So happy you can FINALLY share her with the world and so grateful we are on this journey together! XOXO.

  5. Jen,reading your blog and seeing your faith and love speaks to me even on a different journey!I love the verses in the last post. Praying for you and your family and beautiful Piper.
