Monday, February 6, 2012

We are LOGGED IN!!!

We have recieved word that we are officially LOGGED IN on February 2, 2012!!!  This means that our agency can actually start to look for our daughter.  We are beyond excited to be where we are at this point.  We just look to God that he would reveal who our daughter is in his perfect timing.  We are asking for your prayers for this process.  We know that our daughter will have some type of special need(s) and that we will need to review all of the information that is provided in our referral.  We pray that it would be evident and that God would show us clearly when it is "her."  We are also praying daily that God would be preparing her heart for our family as well as we know that this is going to be tremendously hard on her.  We will be taking her from everything that she has known in her little life.  Our girls are asking daily if we are going soon to bring Piper home.  They have already accepted her as their sister even though they have never seen her before. 
Jon and I have been discussing how we are going to review our referral when we recieve the call.  Jon has decided that he does not want to see our little one's picture.  He wants to review the file, and then fast and pray allowing God to speak to show us if this is Piper.  I on the other hand have chosen to see her picture and pray.  I feel that I have been praying for this little girl and am really excited to see all of her information.   We invite whoever feels led to pray with us when we recieve our referral.  We have started this journey by faith in our God and we recognize that through prayer God would reveal Piper. 

We have posted previously about our Both Hands Project.  We are excited to say that we have set a date for our project.  It will be Saturday May 12th.  We are currently in the process of getting volunteers to help us.  If you are interested in joining our team or would like additional information please contact us. 

To see what Both Hands is about check out this link: