Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our Both Hands Video

We were so blessed to be able to do a Both Hands Project and truly live out James 1:27.  We had 30 volunteers that came out and helped us work on many items at Linda's home.  We accomplished many items such as spackling, painting, sanding and staining 2 decks, replacing vinyl floor, replacing shades and blinds, fixing a gate on the deck, gardening, restoring outdoor furniture etc etc.  We were truly thankful to be a part of this project.  THANK YOU to our family and friends who came out and helped us.  Thank you to all of the business who donated and helped make our event what it was.  Texas Roadhouse had a crew that came out and helped us with the project and donated food. We finished the video and thought we would share it with you so you could see all that we accomplished that day.  I think you will enjoy it!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Month of May

It has been a little while since I last posted.  May has been a very busy month for our family.  Early May we helped out the Sparrow Fund with an adoption training event.  It was a great day learning about attachment, principles that we can apply to our adopted daughter and our own bio kids.  We really enjoyed being a part of this event!! 

Then we had our Both Hands Project.  It was a great day!!  We had a great team of our family and friends who came out and helped make our project a sucess!!  We were able to do spackling, painting, stained two decks, restored outdoor furniture, fixed broken door knobs, replaced vinyl floor, repaired a broken window etc.  It truly was a great day being able to help!  So glad that this was part of our journey.  James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep onself from being polluted by the world"

We had recieved an e-mail that we are officially out of translation as of 5/6/12.  That was GREAT news!!  Then a week later we found out that one of our reference letters was lost in translation, so we had to get a new letter, get it notarized and get it sent to our agency ASAP.  They don't think that this will hold us up but it is the only piece that they are waiting for.  We are praying for our next approval to come through soon!!  The one thing that helped through this is that we received updated pictures the next day of our little ladybug.  She is so precious.  I cannot wait to share her with you!!  I promise it will be soon once we receive our next approval. 

This week Piper celebrated her first birthday.  There were so many things that I was thinking about.  I was thinking of her being there and celebrating her birthday without us.  How would the day be for her?  Would they celebrate her birthday?  Then my mind shifted to thoughts of her mother.  My heart broke to think of her and what she must have gone through last year with giving up her daughter.  I also wondered what she may be experiencing wondering where her daughter is or what she is like or what she is doing now.  I pray that God would give her peace knowing that she will be joining our family and that she will be okay.  I will continue to pray for her as I know it must have been really hard for her to make that decision.  One I believe she will always think about.  I will always think of her mother and I will continue to pray for her.  I am truly thankful that God chose us to be her parents.  I cannot wait to hold her in my arms!!!