Sunday, June 9, 2013

We get to go home!! YAY!

We did the same drill today.  Around 7 AM the nurse took her off of the IV fluids.  All of the sudden today, Piper really wanted to drink some on her own and also really liked the broth and noodles of chicken noodle soup.  She wanted more and more of that.  Today the nurses and I all felt comfortable that it was safe for her to go home.  Her doctor came in to see her once again.  She had a piece of the alloderm (fake layer of tissue) hanging from her mouth so she had to snip it to remove it before we left.  It took 4 of us to hold her down.  She screamed and screamed.  I felt so bad.  I took Piper for a wagon ride downstairs to go to the pharmacy to get her prescriptions filled.  We went upstairs and then we waited for a while until they had all of her discharge papers completed and once they were ready we were free to go.  The girls and Jon came to pick us up.  She was so happy to see her sisters.  I think she will do so much better once we get home. 

Peeking out into the lobby

Our favorite nurse!!  She was amazing :)

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