Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lots to Report to Catch you Up!

As you can see it has been a bit since we posted.  Sorry about that!!  Things here have been a little busy this summer.  We planted a vegetable garden this year so that has been keeping us busy.  We have been blessed with MANY, MANY cucumbers so I have been making pickles.  They were pretty easy to make actually.  It definitely passes time when you are waiting.  We planted zucchini, eggplant, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, kale, swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.  The kids have been enjoying it too. 

We had decisions to make regarding school for the fall also.  I have home schooled the girls for the past 4 years.  With everything going on and with where the girls are with learning we decided that it would be best for us to look into a cyber charter school.  This is something I probably would not have looked into, however this past year I had watched my friends daughter once a week while she worked at a preschool and she did cyber charter school.  It is amazing how God lines things up sometimes.  Isn't it?  I liked the program and ended up signing them up for the same school. We are all excited for this new adventure.  It seems like we have a lot of adventures going on right now. 

We have also been doing a lot of things around the house and have been getting things ready for our upcoming trip.  I have painted Piper's room.  It really looks good.  I will have to post pictures once I have it all together.  I have pulled out the suit cases and started figuring out what to pack.  I have read many packing lists and must have lists.  It gets overwhelming at times.  I have decided to try to keep things simplified and bring the things I think we will need.  I hope I am making the right decision.  I have no idea how we could ever pack what everyone suggests in our suit cases.  As of now I see all of the things for Piper and I am wondering where our clothes will go.  It will all work out.

In the past few months we have been cabled, our paperwork from the US has merged with Ch*na's end combining our information to  Pipers, had our article 5 drop off and pick up, then we officially officially waited for TA.  We had received the phone call that we have our Travel Approval which is our approval that we can officially go to Ch*na and get Piper.  I was super excited for this call!!!  After talking to our agency, we were aiming to leave 8/29.  In talking with our agency, that date is not possible due to lack of escorts in Ch*na to help us navigate the adoption process.  This was NOT what I was expecting.  He had said that the date we were aiming for was doable so we had our hearts set on this date. 

See over the past month, we have had a few things going on here at home.  I cannot share all that is going on but we have been challenged to truly trust in God's timing.  Our article 5 is automatically sent by our agency.  I don't know why but I had felt that I needed to follow up with our agency to make sure it was sent.  In doing this, they realized that for some reason our paperwork did not get sent.  We had a week delay that shouldn't have happened.  But as time went on it became very apparent why we had that particular delay.  Airfare was approximately $4000 a person if we had left earlier in August or so.  August is their prime time for travel so airfare is pretty expensive.  With the changes we have endured, that was not ideal for us.  Airfare drops significantly so we were aiming for the end of the month.  I believe that God's timing is perfect even though through the delays I was frustrated and not sure why this date was not working out for us.  I can say that with the delay and the extra time we have had I can say that I can clearly see the reasons for the delays.  We had a great Labor Day weekend away with my family, and we are getting to travel with one of my really good friends that I met through this adoption journey.  To have such wonderful friends and to be sharing this journey with them is a gift!!!  I am SOOOOO ready to meet my daughter.  I am SOOOOO ready for her to not be an orphan anymore.  I am SOOOOO ready for her to join our family and not be in an orphanage anymore.  Please pray for peace and understanding to overcome us as we await our time to leave and embrace our little bundle of joy.  I have been reminded of God's promises to us.  I will remain faithful to him and remain in the JOY that I have had through this process.  He has a plan and I just need to trust in it.

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